Using our Cx Safety Razors for the first time

Whether you selected your Cx Safety Razor to be a Stainless steel Cx 316L or the Titanium Cx-Ti safety razor, handling the Safety Razor is an easy skill to learn. When you are looking for a close shave, and want to use a high-quality instrument to do it with, a Safety Razor is a tried and true approach for a long-lasting experience that will be a welcome into your grooming lifestyle. Using a safety razor for the first time can be intimidating, but it's actually quite simple once you get the hang of it. Just go slowly, use light pressure and enjoy.

Here are some photos of basic steps to follow to load the double edge safety razor blade:

Safety razor cap ready to be loaded or inserted with razor blade
Safety razor cap ready with loaded or inserted with DE razor blade

Safety razor cap ready with loaded or inserted with razor blade and a base plate

Safety razor cap with loaded razor blade, safety razor base plate and safety razor handle

    1) Load the razor:

    Unscrew the handle of the safety razor and carefully insert a new razor blade between the two plates, see photos above. Then screw the handle back on, making sure the blade is securely in place and the base plate is in the right way.
    Base plate inserted the correct way on a safety razorBase plate inserted the wrong way on a safety razor

    2) Prepare your skin:

    Start by washing your face with warm water and a gentle cleanser to remove any dirt and oil. This will help soften your facial hair and make it easier to shave. Beginner tip: Apply a small amount of hair conditioner to your face prior to applying the shaving cream(it will provide some enhanced lubrication to the skin to help reduce razor burn while you learn).

    3) Apply shaving cream:

    Use a shaving brush if you have one to apply a thick layer of shaving cream or soap to your face. This will help lubricate your skin and protect it from the razor blade sharp edge. This step will also lift the hairs so they are easy to cut.

    4) Shave with the grain:

    Hold the safety razor handle at a 45-degree angle and use short, gentle strokes to shave with the grain of your facial hair. Take your time and don't apply too much pressure, as this can cause irritation, nicks and razor burn.

    5) Rinse the razor:

    After each stroke, rinse the safety razor under warm water to remove any hair and shaving cream from clogging the razor.

    6) Repeat if necessary:

    If you want a closer shave, you can repeat the process by lathering up again and shaving across the grain. However, this can be more irritating to your skin, so it's best to avoid it to start if possible.

    7) Rinse and apply aftershave(optional):

    Once you're done shaving, rinse your face with cold water to close your pores and apply a moisturizing aftershave or lotion to soothe your skin if you want.

    Remember, it may take a few tries to get the hang of using a safety razor, so be patient and take your time. With practice, you'll soon be able to achieve a smooth, comfortable shave every time. I talk in-depth about sensitive skin here.

    8) As a new shaver, evaluate if you have irritation:

    If you feel razor burn or irritation after the shave, there are a couple of solutions that will help including: a) consider shaving in a different direction where you have irritation b) you might have shaved a few times over the same place with out shaving cream c) you might not have prepped the skin correctly.

    Some additional beginner wet shaving tips:

    • You can use the canned shaving cream with a safety razor to start but it is better to invest in a brush and quality shaving soap.
    • Never handle a razor blade by the sharp edge, see photo below:
    Sharp edges on a safety razor - How to hold a safety razor blade
    • You want to replace a double edge razor blade very 3-4 shaves. Your best shaves will likely come from the 2nd or 3rd use of the blade.
    • Get a blade sampler on Amazon if you can, each blade will have a different feel. Enjoy your shaving journey. For our Cx Safety Razor, we recommend Gillette Nacet, Gillette Blue, Astra Green or Kai blades. We write more about the best blade choice here.
    • Make sure to rinse your shaver with fresh water after the shave.
    • Take your time to map your face, specifically you want to learn which way your hair grows and where you might have a problem area(where you get nicks, where you leave hair after a shave, etc...)

    After you have the gist, you can read more about different techniques and more about wet shaving here.



    Misc. At CarbonShavingCo notes: Wet shaving is a bit of an art form. It is personal to your skin type, which dictates the type of soap and shaving brush you will be using. Opting between a straight razor or safety razor (disposable razors won't be the best of experiences at all). The use of some hot water to open up your pores and soften the facial hair is a good thing. When it comes to skin conditions, such as sensitive skin, razor bumps, and at times hair growth in multiple directions extra care and consideration must be taken and avoid razor burn caused by dry shaving, lack of lubrication, wrong direction, ingrown hairs, etc. At CarbonShavingCo, the construction of our razors aims to be bacteria-free as much as possible to help avoid allergic reactions by being polished with easy to clean surface, the design maximizes the flow of debris, the pinch design reduces gaps for the collection of debris and germs, we aim to help people with sensitive skin and prevent razor burn and ingrown hairs. We believe that wet shaving is the best approach with a good shaving soap as opposed to using men's disposable razors. This also applies to safety razors for women. Keeping your gear clean is so important if you are sensitive. Join the community of wet shavers today to learn more so you can enjoy your personal spa experience.

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