Essential Post-Shave Skincare: Expert Tips for Healthy and Comfortable Skin

How do take care of your skin after shaving?

Taking care of your skin after shaving is essential to a healthy look and lifestyle. It is often neglected, yet is an important step for a smooth, comfortable post shave feel. Here are some post-shaving skincare tips:

Rinse with cold water:

While shaving you want to use warm water(not hot!), however after shaving, rinse your face with clean, cold water to help close the pores and soothe the skin. Cold water can also reduce inflammation and redness. Use fresh water that is free of debris and shaving cream, don't use the same water you used to rinse your razor.

Pat dry gently:

Use a clean, dry, soft towel to pat your face gently. Avoid rubbing your skin vigorously, as this can cause irritation. Avoid using a dirty towel that some one else has used. Make sure to hang up the towel up so it will dry thoroughly.

Fresh clean towel for post shave

Apply an aftershave product:

Using an aftershave product can provide soothing and moisturizing benefits. Choose an aftershave balm, lotion, or gel that is alcohol-free and contains moisturizing ingredients like aloe vera, chamomile, or witch hazel. Apply it to your face, focusing on the areas that were shaved. Try to use a scent free balm or a balm with a non irritant scent. We offer a post shave balm carefully created to deliver a soothing after shave can find it here.


Often time a balm has all the moisturizing you need however after applying the aftershave product, follow up with a moisturizer to hydrate your skin more if needed. Look for a moisturizer that suits your skin type and is free from harsh chemicals or fragrances. This helps replenish moisture and create a protective barrier on the skin.

Avoid touching your face:

Try to avoid touching your freshly shaved face with your hands to prevent transferring bacteria and dirt to the skin, which can lead to breakouts or infections. Use the back of your clean hand to gauge your shave.

Protect from the sun:

If you shaved in the morning or during the day, it's important to protect your skin from the sun. If you can avoid the sun great but apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to shield your skin from harmful UV rays if you are heading out. Your skin is particularly vulnerable after a shave.

Avoid the sun after a shave

Avoid tight clothing:

If you shaved your body, particularly areas like the underarms, back or bikini line, avoid wearing tight clothing that can cause friction and irritation. Opt for loose-fitting, breathable fabrics to allow the skin to heal and settle down.

Exfoliate regularly(Never after a shave!):

Using a shaving brush will help to exfoliate the skin prior to shaving and prevent ingrown hairs in addition to removing dead skin cells. However, avoid exfoliating immediately after shaving, as it can further irritate the skin and block the pores. Wait a day or two before gently exfoliating the area with a gentle shaving brush.

Shaving brush - helps to exfoliate skin prior to shaving

Maintain hygiene:

Rinse and clean your razor thoroughly after each use to remove hair, shaving cream residue, and bacteria. This helps prevent contamination and maintain the sharpness of the blades. One benefit about our high polished, machined safety razors is they are easy to keep clean with the polished surface. Slightly loosen the handle and flush with fresh water. Keep your razor in a dry place to minimize bacteria growth.

Machined brass safety razor with web plate for easy cleaning

Observe your skin:

Pay attention to how your skin reacts after shaving. If you notice persistent irritation, redness, or other skin concerns, it may be a sign of sensitivity or an underlying issue. This is an important opportunity to evaluate how well you shaved...if you feel irritation all over consider changing your products, if you feel shaving irritation in certain areas consider changing the direction you shave in that area. I talk more about reducing shaving irritation here.

In summary, taking care of your skin after shaving is crucial to soothe and moisturize the skin, reduce post-shave irritation, prevent ingrown hairs, maintain skin health, and enhance the overall shaving experience. It promotes a smoother and more comfortable skin, making it an important step in any shaving routine.

What are some natural ingredients you can use for your skin after shaving?

Old school natural ingredients for shaving

We incorporate a lot of these ingredients into our own after shave balm but if you prefer, you can incorporate natural ingredients into your skincare routine to soothe and nourish your skin. Here are some natural ingredients you can use:

Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera gel is a popular natural ingredient known for its soothing and moisturizing properties. Apply pure aloe vera gel directly to the shaved areas to help calm any irritation and hydrate the skin.

Aloe vera can be applied as a post shave moisturizer

Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer that can help replenish the skin's moisture barrier after shaving. Apply a small amount of liquid coconut oil to the shaved areas to provide hydration and a protective layer on the skin.

Witch Hazel:

Witch hazel is a plant that grows in Asia and North America, it is also a natural astringent with anti-inflammatory properties. It can help reduce redness and inflammation after shaving. Apply witch hazel to a cotton pad and gently swipe it over the shaved areas to soothe the skin. You can also buy pre-made witch hazel in a spray bottle which works great, simply spray on your face after a shave.

Witch Hazel plant as a natural stringent


Chamomile has calming and anti-inflammatory properties, making it suitable for soothing the skin after shaving. Brew a cup of chamomile tea, allow it to cool, and then apply it to the shaved areas using a cotton pad, spray bottle or as a gentle compress.

Chamomile is a good post shave plant

Tea Tree Oil:

Tea tree oil has natural antibacterial properties that can help prevent infection and soothe the skin after shaving. Dilute a few drops of tea tree oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil or jojoba oil, and apply it to the shaved areas.


Cucumber has cooling and hydrating properties that can provide relief to irritated skin. Slice a cucumber and place the slices on the shaved areas for a few minutes. Alternatively, blend cucumber to create a soothing cucumber paste and apply it to the skin.

Shea Butter:

Shea butter is the fat extracted from a nut of the African shea tree, it is also a rich moisturizer that can help nourish and protect the skin after shaving. It contains natural fatty acids and vitamins that promote skin health. Apply a small amount of shea butter to the shaved areas and gently massage it in.


Calendula is a group of flowers known for its soothing and healing properties. You can find calendula-infused oils or creams to apply to the skin after shaving. Calendula helps reduce redness and irritation and promotes skin repair.

Calendula is good for post shave

Remember to patch test any natural ingredient on a small area of your skin before using it extensively to ensure that you don't have any adverse reactions or allergies. Choose ingredients that work well for your skin type and preferences, and adjust your routine as needed. If you have specific skin concerns, sensitivities or allergies consult with a dermatologist for personalized recommendations.

What are some ingredients you should avoid using on your skin after shaving?

Stop - products to avoid after shaving

After shaving, it's important to avoid certain ingredients that can potentially irritate or harm your skin. Here are some ingredients to avoid:


While alcohol-based products can have some antiseptic properties and can provide a refreshing feeling immediately after shaving, they are not suitable for everyone, especially those with sensitive or dry skin. It's generally recommended to choose alcohol-free or low-alcohol alternatives after shaving to avoid further irritation and dryness. Look for products that prioritize soothing and hydrating ingredients to promote skin recovery and comfort. Alcohol can also strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness and potential irritation. In all fairness, there is nothing like an after shave splash! We offer both an after shave splash and an after shave balm.

Synthetic Fragrances:

Fragrances added to skincare products can be potential irritants, especially for sensitive skin. Avoid products with synthetic fragrances or opt for products with natural, mild scents or fragrance-free options. Natural spice scents like cinnamon, citrus, cloves and others can also irritate some folks.

Harsh Chemicals:

Steer clear of products that contain harsh chemicals such as sulfates, parabens, phthalates, and artificial colors. These ingredients can be drying, irritating, and potentially harmful to the skin.

Menthol or Peppermint:

While these ingredients can provide a cooling sensation, they may also be irritating, especially if you have sensitive skin. Avoid aftershaves or skincare products with high concentrations of menthol or peppermint if you find them irritating.

Synthetic Dyes:

Artificial dyes are not needed and can cause skin irritation and allergies in some individuals. Opt for products that are free from artificial dyes or choose products with natural colorants.

Strong Acids or Exfoliants:

Avoid using strong acids or harsh exfoliants immediately after shaving. These ingredients can cause further irritation, block pores or damage freshly shaved skin. Give your skin some time to heal before incorporating such products into your routine.

Heavy Fragranced Lotions or Creams:

Fragranced lotions or creams can potentially irritate freshly shaved skin. It's best to choose lightweight, non-greasy, and fragrance-free moisturizers to provide hydration without the risk of irritation. After shaving balms are a good option.

Synthetic Preservatives:

Some synthetic preservatives, such as parabens, can cause skin sensitivity or irritation in some individuals. Look for products labeled as paraben-free or opt for natural preservatives. These are often added to extend the shelf life of cosmetics.

Fake graphiti - Fake and synthetic ingedients

Remember, everyone's skin is unique, so it's essential to pay attention to your skin's reactions and adjust your skincare routine accordingly.

What are common mistakes men make with their post shave routine after they shave?

After shaving, some men unknowingly make mistakes with their post-shave routine, which can result in skin irritation or other issues. Here are some of the common mistakes to avoid:

Not rinsing with cold water:

One common mistake is neglecting to rinse the face with clean, cold water after shaving. Cold water helps close the pores, soothe the skin, and reduce inflammation. It's important to include this step in your post-shave routine. Make sure the water is clean, don't use the water your rinsed your razor in.

Ice berg - Use cold water to rinse your face after shaving

Skipping moisturization:

Moisturizing the skin after shaving is crucial to replenish moisture and maintain skin health. Some men skip this step or use products that aren't suitable for their skin type. Choose a moisturizer specifically formulated for your face and apply it after rinsing and patting dry. We offer a scent free after shave balm to help solve this problem.

Applying harsh or alcohol-based aftershaves:

Some men love the post shave sting! It feels good I must admit but avoid using aftershaves that contain harsh ingredients or high levels of alcohol, especially if you have sensitive skin. These can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation. Look for alcohol-free or soothing aftershave products to minimize skin irritation. But if you do like the burn...we offer an after shave splash!

Avoid alcohol based aftershaves face

Overapplying products:

Applying too much aftershave or moisturizer can create a greasy or heavy feel on the skin. It's important to use the appropriate amount of product according to the instructions. Start with a small amount and gradually adjust as needed.

Rubbing or scrubbing the skin vigorously:

After-shave application should be done gently, without rubbing or scrubbing the skin vigorously. Rubbing too hard can cause friction and irritation, especially on freshly shaved skin. Pat the products onto the skin using gentle, upward motions. The same applies when drying your skin...pat dry, don't rub!

Ignoring specific skin concerns:

Everyone's skin is different, and certain individuals may have specific skin concerns such as sensitivity, dryness, or acne. Ignoring these concerns and using products that exacerbate the issues can lead to further skin problems. Choose post-shave products that address your specific skin needs.

If you have specific skin concerns, allergies or sensitivities, it's advisable to patch test a small area of skin before using a new shaving soap and consult with a dermatologist for personalized recommendations.

Neglecting sun protection:

After shaving, the skin can be more sensitive to sunlight. Neglecting sun protection can increase the risk of sunburn and skin damage. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an appropriate SPF to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Shaving at night is a good solution if you need to be outside in the sun, this gives your skin time to heal at night.

Using dirty or dull razors:

Some men continue to use dirty or dull razors for subsequent shaves, leading to increased skin irritation, cuts, and ingrown hairs. It's important to clean and maintain your razors properly, replacing blades when they become dull. A double edge razor blade is very inexpensive, you can buy a years supply on Amazon for a fraction of what a cartridge razor costs. Keeping your plastic disposable cartridge razor clean also applies but you will pay a lot more for a fresh cartridge. Use a fresh blade...consider changing to a high quality safety razor for a more comfortable, customizable shave experience

Overusing aftershave with alcohol:

Aftershaves that contain high amounts of alcohol can be overly drying and irritating to the skin, especially for those with sensitive skin. Opt for alcohol-free or soothing aftershave products, if you have sensitive skin, that contain moisturizing ingredients. Alcohol does have some some antiseptic qualities and a lot of folks love the sting of an aftershave! The smell of some aftershaves still reminds me of my grandfathers shaving routine...

Ignoring skin sensitivity:

Not all skin types can tolerate the same shaving routine. Ignoring your skin's sensitivity and using products or techniques that don't suit your skin can lead to redness, irritation, razor bumps or something worse. Pay attention to how your skin reacts and make adjustments accordingly.

By avoiding these common mistakes and incorporating a proper post-shave routine, you can improve your shaving experience and minimize the risk of skin irritation or discomfort. Take the time to care of your skin properly before, during, and after shaving to maintain healthy, more comfortable and smooth skin. Pay attention to your skin's needs and adjust your routine accordingly.

Have a tip for a good post shave...leave your comment below!



Misc. At CarbonShavingCo notes: Wet shaving is a bit of an art form. It is personal to your skin type, which dictates the type of soap and shaving brush you will be using. Opting between a straight razor or safety razor (disposable razors won't be the best of experiences at all). The use of some hot water to open up your pores and soften the facial hair is a good thing. When it comes to skin conditions, such as sensitive skin, razor bumps, and at times hair growth in multiple directions extra care and consideration must be taken and avoid razor burn caused by dry shaving, lack of lubrication, wrong direction, ingrown hairs, etc. At CarbonShavingCo, the construction of our razors aims to be bacteria-free as much as possible to help avoid allergic reactions by being polished with easy to clean surface, the design maximizes the flow of debris, the pinch design reduces gaps for the collection of debris and germs, we aim to help people with sensitive skin and prevent razor burn and ingrown hairs. We believe that wet shaving is the best approach with a good shaving soap as opposed to using men's disposable razors. This also applies to safety razors for women. Keeping your gear clean is so important if you are sensitive. Join the community of wet shavers today to learn more so you can enjoy your personal spa experience.

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