Factory Seconds/Returns: Titanium/Web Base plate
These units include pre-owned/refurbished and factory second base plates only(scratch and dents). All base plates are fully functioning units that have been cleaned and inspected. The plates might have bigger marks or scratches then our new products. They also might have small dings. Each unit has its own serial number. If we deem an imperfection is too big we won't sell the unit, instead we give these units to our in-laws.
All units are not returnable, non-refundable and priced accordingly. No photos are shown. Free US and Canada shipping included.
Choose from 1 of 4 available Titanium(grade 5) base plates.
Technical Specification:
- Original Base Plate = .68 mm blade gap (Medium/Aggressive)
- -/Mild Base Plate = .71 mm blade gap (Mild)
+ Base Plate = .88mm blade gap
++ Base Plate = 1.08mm blade gap
- ~5 grams total weight
- All base plates have positive blade exposure
Some notes to help you pick:
Original Base Plate - This was our first design configuration, what makes this plate unique is the added blade feel. It has a .68mm blade gap with positive blade exposure. This design offers a lot of user control with this exposure and gap configuration. For a milder shave, you can change the angle or “ride the cap” for sensitive parts like the neck. For other areas, you can still have a good amount of efficiency. I would not recommend this one if you have sensitive skin. If you have course hair this could be a nice choice.
-/Mild Base Plate - If you have sensitive skin, prefer less blade feel, have fine hair or just enjoy a mild shave, this is the one. Head shavers have enjoyed this one. This plate has our least blade exposure and a .71mm, our smallest blade gap. If you have sensitive skin, straight hair, curly hair or shave everyday...this is a nice choice.
+ Base Plate - We reduced the blade exposure from the original but increased the gap to .88mm. This is a nice option if you prefer less blade feel, yet still enjoy a higher efficiency in a razor. This plate is also a nice option if you have dense hair or only shave every 2-3 days...if you are unsure what base plate is right for you, this is probably the one. You still have a good amount of user control with the positive blade exposure to adjust the efficiency with technique and blade choice.
++ Base Plate - This one is for those who like a very efficient option. This plate is still with positive blade exposure, but has less exposure than the + Base Plate. This razor has a larger 1.08mm gap. If you have coarse hair, shave every 4-5 days or just like an efficient razor, this would be the one.