Resources and Blog

The Ultimate Guide to Safety Razor Finishes: Which One is Best for You?

The Ultimate Guide to Safety Razor Finishes: Which One is Best for You?

The Facts About Metal Finishing and a Safety Razor

With all the finishes in safety razors, I thought I would write a blog on the subject and talk a little about the different types, costs, benefits, and limitations of different finishes for shavers or safety razors. The subject of surface finishing is a very extensive topic. This article would be too long to talk too in-depth about the subject. My intent is only to provide an overview of the processes so you can understand the topics and maybe ask the right questions. If you want to know more specifics, ping...

Machined Stainless Steel Safety Razor Grades and Other Metals

Machined Stainless Steel Safety Razor Grades and Other Metals

As you explore your options we thought we would shed some light on the machining and properties of the iron alloy, stainless steel commonly found in safety razors or Double Edge(DE) razors. We believe we use the best choice grade of stainless to create quality heirloom razors for your wetshaving experience, here is our perspective: